Monday, 19 October 2015

The WIFI on my phone will NOT turn on

I know there are a bunch of threads like this, and I've searched through a BUNCH of them, but either no one was having the same exact problem is me or the answer just wasn't there, so I'm still having the issue.

The WIFI on my phone will not turn/stay on. When I go to turn it on, it looks like it MIGHT turn on, but then switches back to off. It does this repeatedly. Sometimes, after rebooting my phone, I'll turn it on and it will stick in the on position and just say "turning wifi on" forever.

I have tried different ROMS, tried different kernels, tried going back to stock through ODIN, then I found out through another thread that I could use KIES, Samsung's offical software, to go back to the actual offical updated stock release and maybe that'd help. WIFI still is still doing the same exact thing - not working.

I can't think of anything else to do, or any other options I might have, I'm lost. Please help.

edit - I have a 16gb Galaxy S3 T-Mobile SGH-T999.

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