Monday, 19 October 2015

Which custom rom or other approach?

Hello folks,
I am planning to buy a Z3 compact tablet, was wondering which Custom Rom or other approach you can recommend for this device? I am looking for a painless, install once & forget approach (yet still get OTA updates).

Main reasons I want to divert from unrooted stock are:
a) Adblocking
b) improved privacy (control OS & app access to private data / internet)
c) Write-access to SD card
d) remove bloatware

Currently I am running a LG Gpad 8.3 on Cyanogenmod11 and Z1C Phone with Xposed/XPrivacy. While XPrivacy does the privacy trick, I do prefer the more streamlined experience of CM on the Gpad, especially the OTA updates. Did not flash CM on the phone as I wanted to keep the native Sony camera app (not important for the tab).

How does CM perform on the Z3 tab? I read bluetooth audio is not working, battery drain and about some other issues. Would it be wiser to choose one of the other Custom Roms? Which one? Or is the most painless approach to root and run xposed (though I read it does not work well with lollipop yet)?

Cheers & thanks for sharing your thoughts! hunibu

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