Monday, 19 October 2015

Galaxy S3 gt I9300 Straight Talk bricked

Hello and thanks for looking at my post, I have a straight talk galaxy s3 with a 8gb sd card from straight-talk wireless, I tried to install cyanogenmod (latest) using CWM with the firmware on my phone downgraded to H1 (so I could have root). After this happened, I tried letting the phone charge and seeing what was wrong, I found out 2 things
1) The phone will NOT boot into recovery or anything else, even with a jig
2) The computer makes a sound when I plug the phone in, but I cannot access any of the files
3) Phone is not recognized by ADB
The only light I get from my phone is a solid red light when that only happens when I take the battery out and plug in the phone with a USB(The light is a solid RED)
I do have a read/write tool for micro sd to computer, but I do not know if it would help me, I am at wits end and am very frustrated at this sudden brick, please help if you can.
Any and all help you can give me is well appreciated, thank you in advance, if you need any other information please don't hesitate to PM me or reply.

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